prstat(1M) output

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the /proc tools, butdidn't talk about one of the most useful tools that use /procon SmartOS. This is prstat(1M).This tool is analagous in many ways to top(1) on Linux. Note thattop(1) does work on SmartOS/illumos/Solaris basedsystems. Brendan Gregg wrote an article comparing the performanceimpact of prstat(1M) versus top(1) a fewyears back, available here.Rather than concentrate on performance, I want to spend some timegoing into details of prstat(1M) output, and how it canbe useful. This blog will also show some DTrace, because it is such auseful tool, and I like it so much.

First, if you want to use top(1) on a SmartOSSmartMachine, do the following:

# pkgin install top-3.6.1nb1calculating dependencies... done.nothing to upgrade.1 packages to be installed: top-3.6.1nb1 (77K to download, 0B to install)proceed ? [Y/n] Ydownloading                    100%   37KB  37.5KB/s  37.5KB/s   00:00    installing packages...installing top-3.6.1nb1...pkg_install warnings: 0, errors: 0reading local summary...processing local summary...updating database: 100%marking top-3.6.1nb1 as non auto-removable#

Now, on to prstat(1M).

In its simplest form, prstat reports statistics aboutprocesses currently on the system, sorted by cpu usage and updatedevery 5 seconds. By default, it will show as many processes as fit inthe window or terminal where it is being run.

# prstat   PID USERNAME  SIZE   RSS STATE  PRI NICE      TIME  CPU PROCESS/NLWP         7160 root     3864K 2772K cpu0     1    0   0:00:00 0.2% prstat/1  6919 root     3176K 2180K sleep    1    0   0:00:00 0.0% bash/1  3708 root     4020K 1520K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% sshd/1  3680 root     2376K 1424K sleep   56    0   0:00:00 0.0% ttymon/1  3571 root     5500K 3500K sleep   56    0   0:00:18 0.0% nscd/30  3675 root     2120K 1324K sleep    1    0   0:00:00 0.0% sac/1  3683 root     4076K 2624K sleep   56    0   0:00:00 0.0% inetd/3  3676 root     3276K 2352K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% rsyslogd/5  3681 root     1632K  920K sleep    1    0   0:00:01 0.0% utmpd/1  3094 root     6648K 5072K sleep   59    0   0:00:09 0.0% svc.startd/12  3107 root     8136K 6976K sleep   56    0   0:00:18 0.0% svc.configd/14  3674 root     1860K 1212K sleep    1    0   0:00:00 0.0% cron/1  3056 root     2136K 1536K sleep    1    0   0:00:02 0.0% init/1  3697 root     1932K 1372K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% ttymon/1  3446 root     2528K 1644K sleep   59    0   0:00:00 0.0% pfexecd/3Total: 18 processes, 81 lwps, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

The above output shows the process id, user, size of the virtualaddress space, the resident set size (size currently in memory), state(on which processor the process is running, or sleep if the process iswaiting), scheduling priority (higher is run before lower values),nice value, time spent by the process, percentage of cpu used by theprocess, the process "name", and the number of threads in the processFor instance, nscd, process id 3571 has 30 threads.

Unlike top, prstat has few interactivecommands. Typing 'q' causes prstat to quit. Other input causes it torefresh the display. Also, you can specify an interval (called"delay" in top) of 0 seconds, which causes prstat to continuously update the output(Try prstat 0 to see this). The default interval is 5 seconds.

prstat can be useful in determining not only which processes/threadsare using memory and cpu resources on your system. You can also use it to focuson specific users, processes, zones, and tasks. (Tasks on SmartOS arenot the same as processes. See newtask(1) fordetails.)

Like top, prstat redraws the screen everyinterval. To get "continuous" output, use the -c option.Unlike top, prstat can be used to reportmicrostate process accounting information. This option reportspercentage of time spent in user mode, kernel mode, and sleeping. Italso reports the number of voluntary and involuntary context switches,the number of system calls, and the number of signals received.In addition, this reports time spent processing traps, text pagefaults, data page faults, waiting for user level lcoks, and waitingfor the CPU (shown as LAT).

Let's look at an example.

# prstat -cPlease wait...   PID USERNAME  SIZE   RSS STATE  PRI NICE      TIME  CPU PROCESS/NLWP        76798 root       10M 9380K sleep   59    0   0:05:05 3.2% tserver/1001 16145 103        56M   46M sleep   59    0   0:43:11 0.0% beam.smp/51    95 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20   0:47:33 0.0% zpool-zones/162  5879 root     9680K 4976K sleep   57    0   0:23:24 0.0% zoneadmd/5 16790 nobody     58M   36M sleep   59    0   0:11:53 0.0% node/4 16610 nobody     61M   42M sleep   59    0   0:22:39 0.0% node/3 17119 907        45M   24M sleep   59    0   0:14:41 0.0% node/4 15050 root       58M   39M sleep   59    0   0:11:56 0.0% node/4 15119 nobody    141M  104M sleep    1    0   0:25:05 0.0% node/4  3570 root       26M   18M sleep  100    -   0:05:40 0.0% node/6 14710 root       22M   17M sleep    1    0   0:01:26 0.0% node/3 14489 root       43M   20M sleep    1    0   0:03:30 0.0% node/5 14661 root       45M   23M sleep   59    0   0:03:25 0.0% node/5 14107 root       18M   14M sleep   58    0   0:06:32 0.0% node/6 14022 root       22M   17M sleep    1    0   0:01:35 0.0% node/3Total: 462 processes, 3132 lwps, load averages: 0.91, 0.75, 0.50   PID USERNAME  SIZE   RSS STATE  PRI NICE      TIME  CPU PROCESS/NLWP        76798 root       10M 9380K sleep   59    0   0:05:08 3.4% tserver/1001    95 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20   0:47:33 0.0% zpool-zones/162 16145 103        56M   46M sleep   59    0   0:43:11 0.0% beam.smp/51 16610 nobody     62M   43M sleep   59    0   0:22:39 0.0% node/3 16790 nobody     58M   36M sleep   59    0   0:11:53 0.0% node/4 17119 907        45M   24M sleep   59    0   0:14:41 0.0% node/4 15050 root       58M   39M sleep   59    0   0:11:56 0.0% node/4  5879 root     9680K 4976K sleep   57    0   0:23:24 0.0% zoneadmd/5 15119 nobody    141M  104M sleep    1    0   0:25:05 0.0% node/4  3180 root       53M   30M sleep   59    0   0:11:54 0.0% node/7 14489 root       43M   20M sleep    1    0   0:03:30 0.0% node/5  3570 root       26M   18M sleep  100    -   0:05:40 0.0% node/6 16055 root       45M   24M sleep    1    0   0:03:26 0.0% node/5 14107 root       18M   14M sleep   58    0   0:06:32 0.0% node/6 14022 root       22M   17M sleep    1    0   0:01:35 0.0% node/3Total: 462 processes, 3132 lwps, load averages: 0.91, 0.75, 0.50...

From the above output, the tserver process is spending3.2% of its time on the cpus. tserver is a multithreadedprocess (1001 threads) that accepts connection requests andimmediately closes the connection. It was written specifically forthis blog, along with a client running on other machine(s).Let's take a look at microstate information. (There is a detaileddescription of microstate accounting in msacct.c.)

# prstat -cmLp 76798Please wait...   PID USERNAME USR SYS TRP TFL DFL LCK SLP LAT VCX ICX SCL SIG PROCESS/LWPID  76798 root     7.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8  88 0.1  1K 124  8K   0 tserver/1 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 131   0 133   0 tserver/661 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 103   0 104   0 tserver/271 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 108   0 109   0 tserver/460 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 107   0 108   0 tserver/374 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 182   0 185   0 tserver/487 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 132   0 133   0 tserver/526 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0  84   0  84   0 tserver/663 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 102   0 103   0 tserver/604 76798 root     0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 160   0 163   0 tserver/710 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0  95   0  96   0 tserver/229 76798 root     0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0  99   0 100   0 tserver/202 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0  91   0  91   0 tserver/389 76798 root     0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0  89   0  89   0 tserver/288 76798 root     0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 129   0 131   0 tserver/507Total: 1 processes, 1001 lwps, load averages: 1.08, 1.07, 0.96   PID USERNAME USR SYS TRP TFL DFL LCK SLP LAT VCX ICX SCL SIG PROCESS/LWPID  76798 root      12 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.9  80 0.1  2K 212  8K   0 tserver/1 76798 root     0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 121   0 121   0 tserver/487 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 121   0 121   0 tserver/712 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 121   0 121   0 tserver/460 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 118   0 118   0 tserver/661 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 122   1 122   0 tserver/374 76798 root     0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 318   3 356   0 tserver/788 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 120   0 120   0 tserver/670 76798 root     0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 383   0 408   0 tserver/682 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 120   0 120   0 tserver/710 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 118   1 119   0 tserver/648 76798 root     0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 337   6 353   0 tserver/542 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 117   1 118   0 tserver/271 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 113   1 114   0 tserver/202 76798 root     0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.0 0.0 107   0 108   0 tserver/518Total: 1 processes, 1001 lwps, load averages: 1.09, 1.07, 0.96...

From the above output, lwpid 1 is spending 12% of its time in usermode (USR), 0.7% in kernel mode (SYS). Itis not processing traps, text page faults, or data page faults(TRP, TFL, and DFLrespectively. Lwpid 1 is waiting on user level locks 6.9% of itstime, the other lwps (i.e., threads) in the process are spending allof their time waiting for user level locks. Lwpid 1 is sleeping 80%of its time (SLP). There appears to be almost 0contention for the cpus on the system (LAT is 0 exceptfor 0.1% for lwpid 1. Lwpid 1 has make ~2000 voluntary contextswitches, the others between ~100 and ~400 (VCX).Involuntary context switches are close to 0 for everyone except lwpid1 (ICX). Voluntary context switches occur when a threadgives up the cpu because it can not do further work (for instance,waiting for a lock or waiting for I/O). Involuntary context switchesoccur when a thread is preempted or has used up its time slice. Thethreads are making a few hundred system calls (except for lwpid 1,with 8K of system calls (SCL). No thread is handlingany signals.

Perhaps the most interesting thing to note in the output is thatexcept for lwpid 1, the threads (lwpids) shown are different for eachinterval.

Let's use DTrace to see scheduling activity for the process's threads.

# dtrace -n 'sched:::on-cpu/execname == "tserver"/{@[tid]=count();} tick-1sec{printa(@); clear(@);}'dtrace: description 'sched:::on-cpu' matched 4 probesCPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME  8  67387                       :tick-1sec...  <-- almost 1000 lines omitted      498              126      271              128      799              128      458              132       78              133      482              136      644              143      206              158      931              162        1             2236

From this, every thread in the process is getting on cpu in a 1 secondinterval (the total number of lines of output every second is 1001,the total number of threads), yet prstat shows 100% of time for almostall of these threads to be waiting for user level locks.

As mentioned above, tserver accepts connection requestsand immediately closes the connection. Let's see how many accept(3SOCKET)calls it handles per second.

# dtrace -qn 'syscall::accept:return/pid == 76798 && arg0 >= 0/{@ = count();} tick-1sec{printa(@); clear(@);}'              351              765              729              747              587             1164              737              839             1074              554...

When tserver accepts a connection, it wakes up a threadto handle the connection (again, handling the connection means simplyclosing it). Incoming connections are placed in a job queue, and aworker thread removes jobs from the queue, closing each connection asit does so. Let's see how many close(2) calls are madeper worker thread. The "worker" threads are the other 1000 threads.The main thread (lwpid 1) handles the accept calls and wakes up aworker thread to handle it.

# dtrace -qn 'syscall::close:return/pid == 76798 && arg0 >= 0/{@[tid] = count();} tick-1sec{printa(@); trunc(@);}'        3                1        6                1       17                1       24                1       25                1...      957               12      270               19      778               23      493               41      411               52

Again, almost all of the threads call close at least once.Let's use the pid provider to take a closer look at howthreads are being woken up.

# dtrace -qn 'pid76798:::entry/tid == 1/{@[probefunc] = count();} tick-1sec{printa(@); trunc(@);}'  __lwp_park                                                        5...  setsockopt                                                      560  __so_accept                                                     561  _so_accept                                                      561  accept                                                          561  cond_broadcast                                                  561...  enqueue                                                       19494  queue_unlink                                                  19765

Every time an accept call is made, the thread usescond_broadcast to do the wakeup. This will cause allof the worker threads to wake up. It is a classic case of thundering herd. We'll change the code to wake up only 1 worker, (cond_signal) to see how that effects the behavior.

# prstat -cPlease wait...   PID USERNAME  SIZE   RSS STATE  PRI NICE      TIME  CPU PROCESS/NLWP        98575 root       10M 9380K sleep   59    0   0:00:02 0.2% tserver_sig/1001    95 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20   0:48:09 0.1% zpool-zones/162 16145 103        56M   46M sleep   59    0   0:43:44 0.0% beam.smp/51  5879 root     9680K 4976K sleep   57    0   0:24:08 0.0% zoneadmd/5 15119 nobody    128M  100M sleep   59    0   0:25:46 0.0% node/4 16610 nobody     68M   48M sleep   59    0   0:23:00 0.0% node/3 17119 907        45M   25M sleep   59    0   0:14:56 0.0% node/4 15050 root       54M   33M sleep    1    0   0:12:13 0.0% node/4 16790 nobody     59M   38M sleep   59    0   0:12:10 0.0% node/4  3180 root       51M   29M sleep    1    0   0:12:03 0.0% node/7 99141 root     4540K 3432K cpu1    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1 14837 root       43M   20M sleep    1    0   0:03:30 0.0% node/5 14320 root       42M   21M sleep   56    0   0:03:26 0.0% node/5 13422 root       46M   23M sleep   59    0   0:03:29 0.0% node/5 14107 root       18M   14M sleep   58    0   0:06:36 0.0% node/6Total: 462 processes, 3132 lwps, load averages: 0.16, 0.41, 0.80   PID USERNAME  SIZE   RSS STATE  PRI NICE      TIME  CPU PROCESS/NLWP        98575 root       10M 9380K sleep   59    0   0:00:02 0.1% tserver_sig/1001    95 root        0K    0K sleep   99  -20   0:48:09 0.1% zpool-zones/162 16145 103        56M   46M sleep   59    0   0:43:44 0.0% beam.smp/51 16610 nobody     69M   49M sleep   59    0   0:23:00 0.0% node/3 15119 nobody    128M  100M sleep   59    0   0:25:46 0.0% node/4  5879 root     9680K 4976K sleep   57    0   0:24:08 0.0% zoneadmd/5 16790 nobody     59M   38M sleep   59    0   0:12:10 0.0% node/4 17119 907        45M   25M sleep   59    0   0:14:56 0.0% node/4 15050 root       54M   33M sleep    1    0   0:12:13 0.0% node/4  3180 root       51M   30M sleep    1    0   0:12:03 0.0% node/7 99141 root     4684K 3568K cpu1    59    0   0:00:00 0.0% prstat/1 14837 root       43M   20M sleep    1    0   0:03:30 0.0% node/5 14320 root       42M   21M sleep   56    0   0:03:26 0.0% node/5 14107 root       18M   14M sleep   58    0   0:06:36 0.0% node/6 14537 root       43M   22M sleep    1    0   0:03:32 0.0% node/5Total: 462 processes, 3132 lwps, load averages: 0.15, 0.41, 0.79

The main thing to note in the above output is that now the server isusing 0.1% of the cpu, as opposed to ~3.0% in the broadcast version,more than an order of magnitude in reduced resource usage.

The source code for the client and servers are here. Of course,use at your own risk.

Post written by Mr. Max Bruning